New sex dolls!

New hot sex dolls deals!

Introducing the all-new, all-American 5'3 / 161cm C-cup sex doll by 6Ye Premium. This is one of the most 'American' sex dolls to date and we're proud to be the official retailer. 

This new 161cm / 5ft3 C-cup is a Premium Body from 6Ye with N33 head comes with a snap and place ball-joint neck, as well as a pair of easy-to-move ball-joint wrists. Valerie is another hot blonde beauty from 6Ye and you are not mistaken if you see a similarity to

Most importantly, each detail is beautiful and the body itself is very proportionate. This sex doll not only looks realistic but it also feels this way. 

Go ahead and have a closer look and make your acquaintance. At $1899 this doll is a steal!

from $1,899.00